9 Very Bad Reasons To Want To Get Married – Key Things You Must Avoid!
Getting married can be a beautiful thing, except when the decision to marry is based on the
wrong reasons. Before you say “Yes, I do” to that person, are you sure you’re doing it for the right reasons? And do you also know that leadership starts from home?
Recent studies and statistics have proven that, all too often, many couples have decided to marry for the wrong reasons and are now stuck in miserable situations.
Sometimes, girls start feeling left out when their friends start getting married and fear that they may never get married. So, they hurriedly accept any proposal that comes their way, but, my dear – is he really the one for you?
If you decide to marry someone for the following reasons, you may end up paying a huge price in the long run. Be careful and consider things thoughtfully and thoroughly about why you want to get married.
God has a perfect love story for you – don’t mess it up by deciding to marry someone that is not the right one for you. If you are honest with yourself, you will know if this one is the right one for you or not.
If you see yourself in any of these nine reasons listed below, take your time to work through each problem area before you say, “I Do.”
1. You want to get married because everyone else is getting married. It’s not a competition! Do not be in a hurry to jump into marriage; else, you will soon jump out of it hurriedly, too.
2. You want to get married because you are afraid to be alone. My dear, there is an emptiness inside you that needs to be filled by God. Until you’re comfortable and fulfilled being alone, you can’t feel otherwise living with someone else! You have to be single and whole.
3. You want to get married because you want someone to support you. You want to use the man or woman to find your bearings and establish yourself. If you’re getting into marriage to take, that’s parasitic, wrong, and very unfair to your partner.
4. You want to get married to get out of your parents’ house. Guess what, though? After running away from your parents’ house, you have fulfilled the wrong reason, and you will pay a steep price.
5. Do you want to get married because you are pregnant? The fact that you are pregnant does not mean you should consolidate the mistake by making another one! They might not be the right person for you, so don’t rush into a permanent arrangement because of a temporary setback and situation.
6. You want to get married to make someone jealous. Marriage is not a tool for fighting, my dear – please grow up!
7. You want to get married because you are simply dying to plan your dream wedding. Magnifying your wedding at the expense of the marriage itself is too bad and silly to do.
8. You want to get married because you are desperate to be a bride, wear a beautiful dress, open lots of presents, and go on a dream honeymoon. Hmmm…the question is: What then becomes of you afterward?
9. You want to get married because you want to feel special. This is another childish reason, and it is also not good at all.
Far too many times in our politically correct world, our family, friends, and other people we know fail to share important truths that need to be shared. Someone may instinctively know that you are marrying for the wrong reasons but won’t tell you anything because they don’t want you to be mad at them.
Perhaps they don’t want to create a rift in their relationship with you, so they remain silent.
Whatever you do, please do not marry wrongly – the pain and regret are unparalleled!