Many university graduates attest to experiencing post-graduation depression. Post-graduation depression is the terrible feeling graduates experience when things aren’t working after graduation the way they pictured or expected.
It’s not fair to undermine this feeling, but it’s still important to say that some of them had the wrong picture of life after school. They think that a college degree is the only challenge they have to face. They think once they graduate, everything is going to be rosy, but only to graduate and find out that they haven’t even started. They face lots of challenges they aren’t even prepared for.
Nelson Mandela said after climbing one hill, one only finds out that there are more hills to climb. Couldn’t have been better said!
Success is more of a journey. We go from one phase to another. The knowledge of this is imperative for two reasons :
First, to be prepared. Whatever stage you’re in right now, and there’s another level you’re aspiring to, know that it’s not the end. Whether you want to get married, or have kids, host a conference or a world summit, or earn seven digits, know that it’s not the end. When you accomplish this you’ll be faced with the next level. And if you’re not prepared it could lead to a mental health dip.
Another reason this is important is so that you’ll learn to find happiness along the way. Don’t postpone your happiness. So enjoy the process of climbing each hill. Make progress and memory along the way. Don’t say when you get married you’ll be happy, or when you get that 8 digits job, you will be fine. Find happiness along the way. Mandela said you’ll find out there are more hills at the end of one, so enjoy the climb!.
Dr. Sandra C. Duru