Dr. Sandra C. Duru’s Voice of Nature | Let’s engage our imaginations a little bit.

We all know the popular saying, “the downfall of a man is not the end of his life.” That you failed while you are at the verge of hitting your goal does not mean it’s the end. When you fail, you try and keep trying again. Persistence is key in achieving our goals in life.

Life is full of lots of challenges, but what we make of it determines whether we’re victims of the circumstance we are faced with or not.

You see Vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris inspiring lots of people today. Oh well, guess what she said? She said she was raised to be an independent woman and not a victim of anything. Does this mean she didn’t face any challenges in life? Definitely not!

So what’s your current situation like? What are you going to do about it? Are you going to let that situation weigh you down and make you a victim? Don’t do that. Rise and soar above it like the champion that you are!

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