Drugs take over your mind and make you extra energetic. The result is usually an addiction – a terrible one that makes you disregard important things in life. There are better things to get addicted to, like the desire for greatness. First, you have to breed a mental image of your great self and sustain this image in your head. Absorb it, inject it into you, let it possess you. When Michael Jackson was alive, he would rehearse and rehearse. Greatness is not cheap. It comes with sacrifice, and what will fuel the drive to be able to sacrifice so much is your tempt for greatness.
Mike Tyson said, “the tempt for greatness is the biggest drug in the world”. You know why? Because it’s what will give you the capacity to make certain sacrifices. Not everyone can pay the price. Not everyone can stay up all night reading, practicing, rehearsing, conceptualizing ideas and putting them down, researching on new things or inventions or even having the strength of rising again after falling so many times.
You can, not because you are that strong. But because the undying spirit of never giving up, the determination to succeed, the strength, working like a drug in you is coming from the tempting, the burning desire for greatness. That’s where the strength is from. You see people on drugs are able to withstand pains and even lift heavier things than they usually can do without drugs in their system. It’s not them, it’s the drug.
So when you make certain decisions, go all out, people will wonder where you get your passion from, and how you’re able to be so persistent and firm. But it’s not you, it’s the drug in you; the tempt for greatness.