Everyone wants to be successful, everyone wants to be a leader. But how many are ready to pay the price to be a successful leader?
To be a great leader, you need to deal with the number one enemy of Success which is laziness.
Laziness is a deadly disease that eats deep into the system of its prey. A lazy man never wants anything done and when he does, he gives himself one reason or the other why he may not be able to meet up with his target.
A lazy man has perfected the art of procrastination, which is one of the ways he tries to make himself feel as though he’s making headway. He runs away from tasks that will challenge him and cause him to exert too much energy into doing anything.
This brings us to this interesting quote by Jack Welch…,” Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself, When you become a leader, success is all about growing others”.
Are you ready to pay the price for leadership? If yes, why don’t you start now?. Delay can be dangerous!