A tale was told about two young men who were sailing on the sea. The first man asked the other if he had any knowledge about the Arts and he replied, No! Man A thought it was strange that his friend didn’t know anything about his area of specialty, which to him was an important aspect of life. He told his friend that he was disappointed that he was living a boring life.
Few minutes on, a storm started and the two men were scared their boat would capsize. Then, Man B asked his friend Man A if he could swim. With fear in his eyes, he answered “NO”. Man B saw it as an opportunity to also rub it in that his friend was living a dangerous life because he couldn’t swim and was going to lose his life if the boat happened to capsize.
It is important for us to understand the uniqueness in our diversities as a people. We must understand that we were created differently and by so doing, have our unique abilities.
Albert Einstein in one of his quotes says…” Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it’s the ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it is stupid”. The natural habitat of a fish is in water, and it’s form of locomotion is swimming. How then is it possible that this same fish will be able to climb a tree like a Monkey?
It is wrong for us to expect that a person should be able to function in an area where he knows little or nothing about. We were all born differently with distinct features and capabilities and we must learn to appreciate each other for that.
What makes the world beautiful is how we all harness our different abilities to achieve greatness together.
There is unity and beauty in diversity.
One Response
Truth and deep, until we start seeing the uquiness in each other, the world will be a better place for us.