Dr. Sandra C. Duru’s Voice of Nature | As a leader, you must live up to the standard you set and even beyond.

Sometimes, as a leader, you get caught up in the business of keeping the system running, and meeting set deadlines. In the middle of all the busyness, it’s highly essential that you find time to relate with others.

How do the people working under you view you? Like the stereotypical leader who gives orders and set unrealistic standards only? Truth is when you know your followers, it helps you set realistic and practically achievable goals because the communication improves, you know the challenges they face.

This will increase the level of successes and wins recorded which will further serve as a motivation for everyone to do more. A good relationship with others will also create a happier, healthier environment which boosts overall productivity and performance.

John. C. Maxwell, a popular American author & speaker said “Leaders must be close enough to relate with others but far enough ahead to motivate them.” It’s incredible how this quote strikes a balance between self-development as a leader and not neglecting the people under you.

So while you relate with them, you’re fully conscious of your position as a leader. You know you have to stay ahead, work twice as hard to ensure you’re not the one dragging the team behind. Remember that you first are a leader in your actions before a leader in words. Others should be able to see you in action and find motivation. They should see and be inspired to do more

As a leader, you must live up to the standard you set and even beyond. This is the biggest form of motivation.

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