Dr. Sandra C. Duru’s Voice of Nature | There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing

It’s funny how some people try to avoid being criticized. They never want anyone to disapprove of whatever they say or do.

Oftentimes, people that are guilty of such funny traits are either those that feel inadequate and lack confidence in themselves, or the ones that are overconfident. Those who always think they are too big to be judged. They forget that not all criticisms are destructive but constructive most of the time.

Criticism is an integral part of our lifes as human beings. There’s no perfect being on earth and that is why, at one point or the other, we need people around us to analyse our works and attitudes. See, as long as you’re a living being, you need criticism to make you a better person.

Aristotle in one of his quotes on criticism says….”There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing”

Ponder on that quote and you’ll understand that the only person that has immunity from being criticized is the dead. In as much as you engage in one activity or the other, you talk and have conversations with people, you will definitely be criticized!

Why then don’t you embrace criticism? Especially when it is targeted at working on your weak points to make you an improved version of yourself.

All the best!

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