I think that someone who takes presidency must not take it to learn. (There is) a crisis of leadership and it needs someone who understands already the depth of human suffering and the difficulties we are confronted with. There is no time for learning in leadership.
Many leaders come to leadership positions unprepared and that has been the cause of bad governance, poor performance and crisis. Before thinking of being a president, governor, senator or even a prime minister, you need to know how to lead.
You need to understand how the system functions. Leadership is not try and error or something you learn when you have been given the position or title already.
Leadership isn’t about a word in your title, a certain salary band, or any one specific characteristic like charisma or socialness.
The act of leading is an art. A leader must have understanding and empathy and must be willing to work with others. When everything has gone wrong, all the standard systems and approaches are failing, and everyone has lost hope, it’s up to the leader to dig deep and come up with a new fresh idea or solution. This is what actually makes you a leader.
Many nations of the world have achieved a great deal; meanwhile, some of them are still where they are. The success of any nation highly depends on it’s leader.
A leader does not distinguish himself when everything is going well. They distinguish their selves when things are rough and tough and profer solutions. This is how a great leader is identified.
George Weah made a statement; “I think that someone who takes presidency must not take it to learn. (There is) a crisis of leadership and it needs someone who understands already the depth of human suffering and the difficulties we are confronted with. There is no time for learning.”
He was not far from the truth, as a leader, you must have a deep understanding of the system. You must have observed and felt the system so well so that you would be able to make the needed changes. There is no time to learn during leadership, the only thing to do is offer solutions as soon as the problems come about.
The abilities of a leader is greatly reflected upon the country, state or organization he leads. We need to focus on leaders that would do more good and give them our intense support whenever the need arises, and if we are to grow as a nation, country, organization or team.
One Response
Yes o. until a leader brings change, it will never come.