
Dr. Sandra C. Duru’s Voice of Nature | The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes

Do you know that if you want to become a great leader, one who is keen on getting things done, you must learn to say NO? A lot of leaders run away from this word because they are afraid of appearing harsh to their followers and not getting enough love and approval from them.

As a leader, you need no approval from anyone as long as you know you have fundamental decisions to make. You need to stand your ground at all times and learn to say NO regardless of whose ox is gored.

It is true that in order to be a great leader, you must also learn to serve. In the course of your service, never allow the people who look up to you to see you as being weak and thereby take you for granted.

Oftentimes, people take liberty for license. Once they notice how approachable you are as a leader, and how you try not to hurt them by saying yes to all their requests, they stretch their limits and at the end of the day, nothing constructive may be achieved by the team.

According to Tony Blair, “The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes.

The word “No” is heavy and powerful. It is a word, only used by the brave-hearted, the decisive, the goal-getters and people who are ready to be extraordinary leaders. Wouldn’t you rather be one of them? Saying No is an Art, Master it!


Dr. Sandra C. Duru’s Voice of Nature | If I could be reborn and start all over again, I would no longer make mistakes in my actions. After a long meditation, I understood that all is vanity on earth.

The former president of the United States Of America, Barrack Obama has simplified the best way to attain greatness, enjoy peaceful life, and not be part of evil or anything that will hurt someone else in the journey of your life.

His voice is a unique voice of nature that spoke to my conscience and soul this morning and I decided as someone who truly believes in Nature and Nurture to share with you this great message.

“When I think about the depth of the grave and the kilos of sand that are going to be thrown at us, there is no need to harm my brother;
When I think of the darkness that pervades the tomb after it has closed, there is no need to hurt my sister;
When I think of the heat-driven back by the ground and the amount of water that will drown me during the rains in this grave, I cannot make my neighbor suffer; When I think that I will be alone abandoned by all, I prefer to enjoy communion when I am alive;
When I think my relationships are cut off by my past, I want to perfect my future.

If I could be reborn and start all over again, I would no longer make mistakes in my actions. After a long meditation, I understood that all is vanity on earth.

May God help us to cultivate humility and love of neighbor, because vanity only gives vanity, everything will be vanity. Be happy and make someone happy. ”

Barack Obama.


Dr. Sandra C. Duru’s Voice of Nature | There are better things to get addicted to

Drugs take over your mind and make you extra energetic. The result is usually an addiction – a terrible one that makes you disregard important things in life. There are better things to get addicted to, like the desire for greatness. First, you have to breed a mental image of your great self and sustain this image in your head. Absorb it, inject it into you, let it possess you. When Michael Jackson was alive, he would rehearse and rehearse. Greatness is not cheap. It comes with sacrifice, and what will fuel the drive to be able to sacrifice so much is your tempt for greatness.

Mike Tyson said, “the tempt for greatness is the biggest drug in the world”. You know why? Because it’s what will give you the capacity to make certain sacrifices. Not everyone can pay the price. Not everyone can stay up all night reading, practicing, rehearsing, conceptualizing ideas and putting them down, researching on new things or inventions or even having the strength of rising again after falling so many times.

You can, not because you are that strong. But because the undying spirit of never giving up, the determination to succeed, the strength, working like a drug in you is coming from the tempting, the burning desire for greatness. That’s where the strength is from. You see people on drugs are able to withstand pains and even lift heavier things than they usually can do without drugs in their system. It’s not them, it’s the drug.

So when you make certain decisions, go all out, people will wonder where you get your passion from, and how you’re able to be so persistent and firm. But it’s not you, it’s the drug in you; the tempt for greatness.


Dr. Sandra C. Duru’s Voice of Nature | Let’s engage our imaginations a little bit.

We all know the popular saying, “the downfall of a man is not the end of his life.” That you failed while you are at the verge of hitting your goal does not mean it’s the end. When you fail, you try and keep trying again. Persistence is key in achieving our goals in life.

Life is full of lots of challenges, but what we make of it determines whether we’re victims of the circumstance we are faced with or not.

You see Vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris inspiring lots of people today. Oh well, guess what she said? She said she was raised to be an independent woman and not a victim of anything. Does this mean she didn’t face any challenges in life? Definitely not!

So what’s your current situation like? What are you going to do about it? Are you going to let that situation weigh you down and make you a victim? Don’t do that. Rise and soar above it like the champion that you are!